
making milpa

Making milpa is a translocal network of artists, makers, mediators, learners and many other different backgrounds exploring forms of collaboration, ways of inhabiting spaces (otherwise) and creating learning environments towards diversity and non-hegemonic forms of thinking.

Making milpa as a design and art practice

graphic parties
of Water


the living room

Children-led Press


The Living room.

Centrum Kultury Zamek in Poznan
15.05-10.10. 2022

Poznan, Poland.

Making milpa, the living room, at Centrum Kultury Zamek continued exploring a curriculum following the idea of the milpa as a metaphor and model; a learning environment based on forms of collaboration and artistic research.
The process at Zamek Centrum Kultury in Poznan involved engaging with a group residency instead of an individual, as well as reflecting on the relations between host and guest. In this way, invitations were extended to many other collaborators with the purpose of exploring artistic collaborations and building together a space and program for the public. The project was realized together with Raul Hott, Roberto Nino Betancourt, Sadia Pineda and Beau W. Beakhouse, and Gerardo Gomez Tonda.
As a result, a series of conversations and artistic collaborations took place between Diego Gutierrez Valladares and different collaborators. The program included workshops and a group show which presented the practical experimentations produced during the residency.

The Language of Water. Collaboration with Roberto Nino Betancourt. Workshop on storytelling about water. 09.07.2022.

Video on river Warta. Concept Roberto Nino Betancourt and Diego Gutierrez Valladares, sound by Vassilis Theodorou.

Collaboration with Gerardo Gomez Tonda

Collaboration with Raul Hott and Andres Zanetta.

Collaboration with Sadia Pineda Hameed and Beau W. Beakhouse